Year 4 SyllabusTest
Year 4 Syllabus learning area contacts:
- Pre-primary to Year 6 : +61 8 9273 6745 |
- Year 7 to Year 10 : |
Year 4 Syllabus
The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study at least two of the five Arts subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8. It is a requirement that students study a performance subject and a visual subject.
Year Level Description
In Year 4, students continue to develop aural and theory skills, improvising, singing and playing rhythmic and pentatonic pitch patterns in duple and triple time.
They improvise with and integrate the elements of music to create simple compositions, and record and communicate their music ideas using graphic and/or standard notation and music terminology, incorporating changes in tempo and dynamics.
Students experience music as performers and audience members. They maintain their own part when singing or playing with others, and explore how to use tempo and dynamics to communicate their ideas and enhance their music performance.
Students reflect on, and respond to, music from different cultures and contexts, exploring reasons why and how people make music. They explore how music elements are combined and used to convey meaning and purpose in the music they listen to and make.
Improvisation with the elements of music to create a simple composition (ACAMUM085)
Communication and recording of music ideas using graphic and/or standard notation, dynamics, terminology, and relevant technology (ACAMUM086)
Development and consolidation of aural and theory skills, including:
- rhythm (dotted minim
- tempo (changing tempos; terminology (presto, andante, adagio, allegretto))
- pitch (intervals (recognising leaps and steps, pentatonic scale))
- dynamics (terminology and symbols pianissimo (pp), fortissimo (ff)); expressive devices (smoothly, short, detached)
- form (ternary (ABA); bridge; coda)
- timbre (instrument groups (e.g. strings, woodwind, brass, percussion), differentiate between two or more instruments when played together)
- texture (two or more rhythmic or melodic patterns played together)
to compose and perform music (ACAMUM084)
Application of specific rehearsal processes to improve music performance and engage an audience (ACAMUM086)
Development of performance skills (singing in tune, playing classroom instruments with correct timing and technique, incorporating some dynamics; maintaining own part at correct pitch and tempo when performing with others) (ACAMUM086)
Responses to, and respect for, the music of others as performers and audience members (ACAMUR087)
Reasons why and how people make music across different cultures, events or occasions (ACAMUR087)
Responses that identify and describe how the elements of music are combined and used to communicate ideas, mood and meaning (ACAMUR087)
Achievement standard
At Standard, students improvise and organise rhythm patterns in simple time signatures, with some errors. They usually recognise the difference between duple and triple time, and recognise some changes in time signatures and tempos. Students improvise and sing and play pentatonic and simple melodic patterns, with some inconsistencies. They use graphic and/or standard rhythmic and pitch notation, with some inconsistencies. Students identify and incorporate tempo and some dynamics and expressive devices, using some appropriate symbols or terminology, when composing and performing. They identify and describe some instruments and methods of sound production to inform their choices when listening or composing. Students identify some forms and sections within a form. They sing and play with some inconsistencies in tuning, timing and technique, incorporating some dynamics and expression. Students use some teacher feedback to adapt their ideas when rehearsing and performing.
Students listen and respond to music, and identify instrument families or groups, and some individual instruments. Students provide a link between the use of some elements of music to the composer’s purpose, or a particular culture, event or occasion.
The syllabus is based on the requirement that all students will study at least two of the five Arts subjects from Pre-primary to Year 8. It is a requirement that students study a performance subject and a visual subject.
Year Level Description
In Year 4, students continue to develop aural and theory skills, improvising, singing and playing rhythmic and pentatonic pitch patterns in duple and triple time.
They improvise with and integrate the elements of music to create simple compositions, and record and communicate their music ideas using graphic and/or standard notation and music terminology, incorporating changes in tempo and dynamics.
Students experience music as performers and audience members. They maintain their own part when singing or playing with others, and explore how to use tempo and dynamics to communicate their ideas and enhance their music performance.
Students reflect on, and respond to, music from different cultures and contexts, exploring reasons why and how people make music. They explore how music elements are combined and used to convey meaning and purpose in the music they listen to and make.