  • participating in excursions with Elders and community members to experience story places or keeping places, listening to associated stories
  • visiting community centres, art centres or language centres and recording the experiences, for example, by developing a digital presentation or photo-story
  • working with Elders/community members to develop a short ‘Welcome to Country/Place’ and/or ‘Acknowledgment of Country/Place’ to use at formal school functions or community events
  • working together on collaborative tasks, such as designing posters, menus or invitations for special events, designing class bush tucker or a garden, creating picture books for buddy classes
  • interacting with Elders/community speakers, following instructions, for example when making an artefact, creating an art work or preparing bush tucker, using hand signs as appropriate
  • participating in and sharing responses to local cultural events and celebrations
  • participating in national celebrations and significant events, for example, NAIDOC Week, Reconciliation Week, Harmony Day, labelling and captioning photos for a class display and sharing responses through class discussion
  • creating a skit, performance or action game to introduce a buddy class to aspects of the language and associated culture, for example, individual words, gestures or expressions associated with common exchanges such as introductions, items and artefacts
  • engaging in shared tasks which involve planning and collaborating, for example, preparing, rehearsing and conducting public presentations and performances, such as an item for a school assembly or a digital presentation about a significant event
  • giving directions, for example, to guide others to specific locations