  • identifying and locating available language resources suitable for language building, for example, living speakers and rememberers, visual, aural and written documents, archival material
  • identifying the existence and location of keeping places for texts and resources as language is rebuilt, for example, in the community, national archives, purpose-built interpretative centres
  • understanding that there are protocols to be followed when building language, such as consulting and involving language owners who may want to determine how the language expands into new domains of use
  • discussing potential limits and constraints of school language programs in relation to building language
  • learning about language building efforts in their community and the role of particular groups in this process, for example, by visiting the local language centre, history museum or by inviting people involved in the process to talk to the class
  • identifying language revival programs in other regions and reporting on processes used and resources developed
  • finding examples of language revival in the categories of language revitalisation, language renewal and language reclamation, and consider what these examples contribute to the processes of language building
  • understanding how language revival serves to enrich Australia’s linguistic and cultural resources