  • considering innovative energy transfer devices, including those used in transport and communication
  • investigating the use and control of CFCs based on scientific studies of atmospheric ozone
  • recognising that financial backing from governments or commercial organisations is required for scientific developments and that this can determine what research is carried out
  • considering the use of genetic testing for decisions such as genetic counselling, embryo selection, identification of carriers of genetic mutations and the use of this information for personal use or by organisation such as insurance companies or medical facilities
  • investigating technologies associated with the reduction of carbon pollution, such as carbon capture Sustainability Cross-curriculum priority leaf icon
  • researching how the values of 19th and early 20th century Australian society, combined with scientific misconceptions about heredity and evolution, influenced policies and attitudes towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Cross-curriculum priority Hand icon
  • investigating how disease outbreaks and the emergence of drug-resistant infections have focused scientific research into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ traditional medicines to identify effective therapeutic compounds for the use in pharmaceuticals Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Cross-curriculum priority Hand icon