Year 6

Languages Support Materials


The central purpose of assessment is to understand where students are in their learning. Assessment refers to the broad range of strategies teachers employ to obtain information about their students’ skills and understandings, and ranges from asking students questions during a lesson to giving students a formal standardised assessment.

The assessments need to provide information about the depth of students’ conceptual understandings as well as their accumulation of knowledge. They should support teachers in identifying students’ strengths and weaknesses, and provide detailed diagnostic information about how students are thinking, so that the teacher is well placed to know what students have mastered and what they need to learn next.

Year 6 Languages

Assessment Principle 2 Assessment should be educative

Indonesian: Second Language Survei olahraga favorit (Survey on favourite sports)

Languages/Indonesian: Second Language/Communicating/Socialising/Informing/Understanding/Systems of language

Content Description

Initiate interactions with others, using descriptive and expressive language to exchange information and relate experiences about free time free time, for example, Dia mau menonton film di bioskop; Kamu bermain apa? Saya sering bermain sepak bola di lapangan; Ada pesta dansa pada tanggal enam Juli; Hari ini saya membeli hadiah untuk teman saya

Gather, compare and respond to information and supporting details from a range of written, spoken, digital and multimodal texts related to their personal and social worlds

Convey information, ideas and opinions related to their personal and social worlds, selecting appropriate written, spoken, digital and multimodal texts to suit specific audiences and contexts

Use context-related vocabulary and develop and apply knowledge of grammatical elements in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • describing frequency using adverbs, for example, selalu, sering, kadang-kadang
  • comparing and evaluating using comparatives and superlatives, for example, Saya lebih suka berselancar daripada menonton televisi; Bola basket adalah olahraga yang paling popular di kelas saya

Nature of the assessment

Reading for information in a written text and responding in English to questions provided.

Listening for information in a spoken text and responding in English to questions provided.

Purposes of the assessment

To elicit information about students’ ability to interpret data from graphs and convey that information in a variety of ways. Also to establish information on their ability to gather and respond to information and supporting details in spoken text.

Stage in the Teaching sequence

At the end of the teaching cycle as a summative assessment.

Background learning

Students have been:

  • exposed to a variety of texts related to free time
  • taught context-related vocabulary
  • taught grammatical items, including:
    • describing frequency using adverbs, for example, selalu, sering, kadang-kadang
    • expressing reactions with exclamations, for example, Kasihan!, Hebat!, Asyik!
    • locating events in time, for example, hari ini, kemarin, besok, sudah, belum, and using days of the week and months, for example, Pada hari/bulan
    • comparing and evaluating using comparatives and superlatives, for example, lebih… daripada, paling
    • exposed to extending subject-focus construction by adding preposition or adverb to subject-verb-object word order, for example, Saya menonton film di bioskop, Pada hari Minggu saya berselancar dengan bapak di pantai.

Assessment task

The teacher provided students with Part A of the task and asked them to view data presented in the pie charts and read key words to complete a cloze exercise. The teacher observed the students as they attempted the first part of the task and provided guidance to those who required it.

For Part B the students were asked to listen to the Indonesian text read to them by the teacher. The teacher paused after the first reading to allow time for the students to make notes and write responses, before reading the text for a second time. After the second reading, the teacher allowed five minutes for students to complete their responses. After administering Part A and Part B, the teacher collected the task sheets and marked them using the marking key as a guide.

Assessment process

Students had previously engaged with texts and classroom discussion based on free time. The teacher explained that the purpose of the assessment task was for students to show their understanding of the vocabulary and language structures they had learnt in class and how they could then apply that learning.

The teacher provided students with information on their performance and strategies to help them improve for the next time they had a similar assessment.

Using the information

In administering the cloze exercise, the teacher noted that there were gaps in the learning of some students, and where necessary, guided the students. The teacher also noticed that the task was too easy for the more able students in the class. The teacher used these observations to reflect on the task and decided to refine Part A for the next time the task was administered.

The teacher used the information for Part B to determine the students’ ability to gather and convey information from a spoken text. After applying the marking key the teacher was satisfied that the task fairly assessed the students.

The teacher used the information from this task to inform future lesson planning and to make judgements on the students’ achievement for end-of-semester reporting to parents.