Year 6

Humanities and Social Sciences Support Materials

Assessment Principle 5

Assessment should lead to informative reporting

Economics and Business snapshot: Business

Humanities and Social Sciences/Knowledge and understanding/Economics and Business/Trade-offs and the impact of consumer and financial decisions and Skills/Questioning and researching/ Communicating and reflecting

Content Description

Businesses provide goods and services in different ways (e.g. shopping centres, local markets, online stores, small independent stores, remote community stores) to earn revenue

Locate and collect information and/or data from a range of appropriate primary and secondary sources (e.g. museums, media, library catalogues, interviews, internet)

Record selected information and/or data using a variety of methods (e.g. use graphic organisers, paraphrase, summarise)

Present findings, conclusions and/or arguments, appropriate to audience and purpose, in a range  of communication forms (e.g. written, oral, visual, digital, tabular, graphic, maps) and using
subject-specific terminology and concepts

Nature of the assessment

Observation and graphic organiser

Purposes of the assessment

To enable students to demonstrate their understanding in a graphic format of how businesses provide goods and services

Stage in the Teaching sequence

At the end of the teaching cycle – summative assessment

Prior learning

In prior lessons the teacher gave students the opportunity to engage in group activities in which they:

  • grouped familiar businesses according to their industry sector
  • discussed the different types of goods and services purchased or consumed by them and their families
  • explored the variety of ways that they access goods and services.

Assessment task

Students chose one industry sector to research. They located and collected information regarding the different businesses, how they produced and provided goods and services, and how the consumer gained access to the goods and services. The teacher provided specific research questions to guide students and those requiring additional assistance with organising their research were given a framework to use.

Students were required to present their research in an info-graphic or graphic organiser (dependent upon student capabilities). They could draw the graphic manually, or online, using a program such as:, or They had to demonstrate an understanding of their industry sector (agriculture, information, tourism, telecommunications), the types of businesses (profit and non-profit) that exist within that sector and the different ways that businesses in the sector provide goods and services (shopping centres, local markets, online, small independent stores, remote community stores).

Assessment process

The teacher gave informal feedback and guidance during the research phase of the task and kept observational records of students’ ability to locate, collect and record information relevant to the task. He provided written feedback on students’ graphic organisers (using the ‘Two stars and a wish’ model). The focus of this feedback was on their understanding of the concepts underpinning the content description and their ability to present their findings using subject-specific terminology.

Using the information

The information was used by the teacher to inform further teaching and planning, including consolidation of the Humanities and Social Sciences Skills. It also provided evidence to inform judgement of student learning for formal, end-of-semester reporting.