  • using appropriate ways of talking and interacting in different social situations or with different social groups, including talking to people from different areas/Countries/Places or to people in positions of authority, senior people
  • recounting and sharing stories of personal experiences, journeys or discoveries, for example, hunting, tracking, navigating, road trips, trips to town, football matches, significant milestones, social and cultural activities and celebrations
  • participating in class, group and paired discussions about shared experiences and topics of interest, learning how to listen to others, to compare experiences, contribute ideas and provide feedback, noticing and talking about how the same event can be presented from different perspectives
  • sharing and explaining personal opinions and attitudes about school, entertainment, sporting and leisure activities
  • identifying and discussing behaviours, practices, facilities and events that contribute to their own physical and spiritual health and well-being and that of the class, school and community, for example, identifying how important people in their life influence them to act or behave in healthy, safe and culturally appropriate ways
  • discussing and evaluating protective behaviours to stay safe in different situations, including near water or roads, in the bush or when a person or situation makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe
  • identifying and discussing traditional ways of preventing sickness and staying healthy
  • discussing shared values that they see as being important to family, school and community, for example, reciprocating, respect, care for the land/sea/water and community
  • persuading others in the class to consider a particular point of view or action
  • engaging in conversations and discussions with guest speakers, using culturally appropriate interaction protocols such as active listening behaviours, asking questions and offering opinions and ideas
  • sharing and explaining opinions about issues of shared interest, for example, parental, school and community expectations, peer pressure and intergenerational perspectives, identifying possible points of agreement or tension
  • engaging in online discussions with other young language learners to exchange information about cultural practices, experiences and shared interests, for example, leisure activities, community life, music and sport
  • recognising listener and speaker roles and the role of assumed and shared knowledge in everyday communication