  • listening to stories of the past from Elders and community members, for example, accounts of where they grew up, what they did, their way of life, where they visited, how they communicated, practices such as the use of smoke in healing and purification, funeral practices, what values were important, how knowledge was transmitted; making comparisons with their own experience and contemporary life and discussing how daily lives have changed
  • comparing traditional and contemporary roles in the community, for example, those of store keeper, nurse, teacher, park ranger, traditional healer and people responsible for Law, song and dance
  • examining and analysing a range of sources, such as photographs, maps and oral histories, to collect information about people, places and events in their community’s past and present to develop an annotated timeline or other visual representation of significant changes to community life, for example, contact history, modifications to water supply, establishment of the community store, clinic and school, introduction of currency, changing community and school policies with respect to language learning
  • comparing photographs that reflect changes from the past to the present in a specific environment or location, identifying elements of both change and continuity
  • creating charts, pictorial stories, maps, digital and oral presentations to represent and to explain elements of past times
  • describing the seasons, identifying and recording indicators of seasonal and weather changes, for example, behaviour of animals, reptiles, birds, insects, plants; changes in wind direction, charting different forms of plants during the seasons, such as flowering, fruiting, shedding of bark, night sky and star formations; developing their own (class) seasonal calendar
  • measuring daily meteorological data, for example, temperature, humidity build up, rainfall, wind direction, sun intensity, times of tides, and constructing charts, column and picture graphs to record gathered information
  • investigating and describing how seasons and weather and availability of natural water sources affect people’s lives and practices
  • researching information about practices that care for Country/Place, for example, waterhole management and protection, fire management, species management
  • observing and reading signs of Country/Place, such as the presence of bees, changing colours of bark, different tracks, tides, seaweed dumps, burnt ground, regeneration of vegetation, special (warning) calls of birds, ripening of fruit, changes in the night sky
  • using appropriate cultural categories to classify different types of plants and parts of plants and their uses, for example, what different parts of plants are used for, which parts/plants are poisonous, presenting findings in chart, poster, table, graphic or digital form
  • undertaking plant and animal surveys, for example, by recording details of plants that grow at school, in the community, on the side of the road, in the bush, of animals found in communities, on the roads, in the uplands, and of their habitats
  • observing and presenting information through photos, captions and commentary on how different bush foods grow in different ways, for example, underground, on a vine or on a bush
  • investigating with Elders some common bush medicines, talking about how they are used for different purposes, recording details through photos, pictures, diagrams, captions, descriptions and commentary
  • making and recording observations of how living things such as insects, frogs or plants develop through their life cycles, recognising the effect on these cycles of different environmental factors
  • mapping Country/Place in various forms, for example, on paper, in sand or mud, labelling key topographical features and infrastructure, key community facilities, indicating distances and describing Country/Place from a birds-eye view
  • creating a calendar of key social and cultural events and activities in the community, for example, important celebrations, football matches, dog vaccinations, cattle mustering, annual school dances
  • visiting the arts centre and learning how to make and decorate artefacts and make paint
  • investigating the languages used and roles played by people in different community contexts, such as the store manager, administrator, arts coordinator, health worker, ranger, traditional healer, tour guide, mechanic, interpreter, Law person, cattle ringer
  • surveying peers and community members on various topics, for example, favourite television programs, football teams, sports or bands, after school activities/time spent in those activities, languages spoken; presenting results in chart, graph or digital format
  • conducting face-to-face or online interviews or surveys with peers, family members or community contacts to compare accounts of similar experiences
  • naming and explaining inside and outside body parts, for example, stomach, blood, bone
  • reading/viewing/ listening and obtaining information from community texts such as posters from health clinics, school magazines or community notices
  • comparing and surveying healthy ways of eating, identifying what is available from the community store and which healthy foods they like to eat
  • extracting key points from a range of spoken, written or digital texts such as posters, charts or brochures on topics such as health, well-being and cultural safety, and discussing key messages
  • keeping a diary of food consumption over a week, classifying types of food consumed, analysing how much bush food is in their daily diet
  • visiting the health clinic to gather information about services the clinic provides and general health issues