  • creating and performing imaginative texts such as stories, songs, raps and skits based on a stimulus concept, theme or resource, and incorporating elements of humour to entertain others
  • experimenting with different ways of telling stories, using a range of different texts and modes of presentation, for example, oral texts, photo stories, e-books, dance, visual design or digital texts, incorporating cultural elements, symbols and conventions as appropriate
  • creating imaginary characters, places or animals and presenting them through performance, digital display or visual representation
  • creating and presenting real or imaginative texts, incorporating humorous and expressive language to entertain younger audiences, for example, audio Big Books, puppet plays, cartoons, short video clips or voki animations, selecting language and images that enrich the visual or listening experience
  • telling the story of a real or imagined journey involving a variety of characters, places and events
  • reading a storyboard and retelling the information in their own words
  • composing dialogues between real/imagined characters in challenging or amusing situations, using expressions and behaviours that convey emotion or humour
  • creating a video clip to launch a real or imagined product designed to appeal to their peer group