  • interacting with peers, the teaching team and visiting Elders and community members, using appropriate ways of talking, including terms of respect and forms of address, and using sign language as appropriate
  • sharing and describing recent events, favourite pastimes and personal experiences, for example, a sporting event, a fishing or hunting trip, a trip to a waterhole, calling in on family or visiting a neighbouring community
  • collaboratively recounting experiences they have shared together, for example, trips to the bush or town, school events, sports days, meeting special guests
  • engaging in class and small group discussions, listening to others and exchanging ideas on topics such as healthy eating, safe behaviours, who to ask for help, responsibilities at home, school and in the community
  • talking in appropriate ways about feelings, thoughts, wants and emotions, for example, looking at pictures of people and discussing how they might be feeling or what might have happened to them; talking about what makes them happy, embarrassed, ashamed, angry or afraid and discussing possible strategies or responses when they experience such feelings
  • identifying trusted people in their community who can help them stay safe and healthy, and rehearsing ways of asking for help in a range of different scenarios