- listening to, remembering and following instructions from an Elder/community member, for example, how to make traditional tools or prepare traditional foods
- collaborating with others in art and craft activities, for example, gathering and using traditional materials such as ochre, nuts, twigs, bark, seeds, shells, feathers; decorating musical instruments/artefacts; making bush toys
- participating in traditional and contemporary games, tasks and activities that involve turn-taking, guessing, matching and choosing objects, bush tucker collecting, sand story telling
- working collaboratively with peers and the teaching team, for example, to adapt and perform action songs, make a class Big Book, design posters with a health or behavioural message, create a display, create and perform an item for school assembly
- practising personal skills such as active listening and showing self-discipline and respect for others in interactive group situations
- using appropriate phrases and expressions for turn-taking in games and activities
- grouping and sorting bush food such as meat, food grubs, artefacts, leaves and tools into appropriate cultural categories
- giving directions, for example, to guide others to locations or through an obstacle course