  • exploring culture as an essential part of human life, understanding that it is shared and passed on between generations; that it includes observables such as ways of cooking and ways of greeting, symbols such as flags and colours, and unobservable elements such as beliefs and values, ways people think about themselves and others and relationship with the environment
  • recognising that beliefs and behaviours are woven into languages and cannot be separated from them
  • noticing how respect for Elders and Country/Place is built into the language
  • recognising significant symbols and features in the language and culture, for example, in song, visual design, dance moves
  • recognising that languages encapsulate values held about land and Country/Place, for example, caring for Country/Place
  • noticing how gestures and body language differ between cultures, for example, in relation to the use or avoidance of eye contact
  • noticing similarities and differences in language that relate to culture, such as the names of foods and animals particular to the climate and environment, and in cultural practices, such as the sharing involved in extended families, special times, story-telling and yarning
  • noticing that using the language and using English involve different ways of communicating, and considering what this reveals about cultural values or traditions