  • informing others about an issue of interest and upcoming events in texts such as notices and newspaper announcements, for example,إعلان هام؛ تحتفل الجالية العربية بعيد الأم في إحتفال كبير في الحديقة العامة يوم السبت القادم؛ الدكتورة ريم ستلقي محاضرة عن الشباب والمستقبل في الجامعة
  • producing texts such as letters, emails and speeches to convey information and personal viewpoints on topics connected to personal experiences, for particular purposes and audiences
  • organising information for an Arabic-speaking audience, for example, creating a presentation comparing different cultural perspectives on a particular topic or a video recording of a cooking demonstration
  • reporting on own and others’ experiences, such as holiday trips or school camp, and comparing own experiences with others’ using expressions such asبالنسبة لي الرحلة كانت ممتعة بينما أغلبية التلاميذ شعروا بالملل؛ بالرغم من الساعات الطويلة التي قضيناها في الطريق إلا إنني لم أشعر بالتّعب لكن أصدقائي كانوا متعبين
  • creating a video clip to present information or ideas to a particular audience, such as a virtual tour of the school or the neighbourhood for prospective students and their parents
  • conveying information relating to significant events, people or places in different formats, such as a poster for a concert, a profile of a famous Arabic actor, or a digital guide to a place of interest
  • creating a group presentation of ideas and words and expressions relating to aspects of lifestyle, for example,الرّياضة ضرورية للصحة؛ المأكولات السريعة وأضرارها؛ الألعاب الإلكترونية وتأثيرها السلبي على العائلة