  • listing various groups they belong to, for example, family, school, class or clubs, and reflecting on themselves as a member of multiple groups and the roles they play in these groups
  • identifying themselves as belonging to a particular cultural and/or language group, for example,أتكلم العربي؛ صف العربي؛ أهلي من لبنان؛ أنا من الاردن؛ أنا أسترالي لكن أهلي من سوريا
  • creating own profile using drawings or providing captions for photos to express roles in or membership of various groups, including their identity as a person who knows more than one language
  • eliciting and giving information that signals identity in different contexts, such as home, school and community, for example, compiling a personal profile consisting of their name, age, and dialect spoken at home, using simple words and modelled sentences