  • re-enacting individual short stories or wordless animations using gestures, actions and modelled signs
  • depicting the movement of people, animals or means of transport by using handshapes in creative ways
  • creating amusing sequences of signs using a fixed handshape, such as point in PRO2 THINK PRO1 SHY
  • using gestures and modelled signs to create their own short stories or mimes
  • creating an imaginative scenario that features the movements and characteristics of a particular animal through the use of constructed action
  • participating in storytelling games or imaginative activities, such as the joint construction of a humorous story
  • working with classmates to represent objects using combined bodies and hands in amusing or creative ways
  • changing elements of familiar narratives to create their own versions, with a focus on varying manner or constructed action
  • adapting an element of a familiar cartoon or story to achieve a different outcome