  • translating the school song into Auslan with support, identifying words or phrases that do not easily translate and finding suitable equivalents in Auslan that match the English concept
  • shadowing online Auslan translations and captioning, such as the Catching Fire series of safety videos or the emergency disaster preparedness videos
  • comparing their own translations of short familiar texts with those of their classmates, noting discrepancies or variations and discussing possible reasons for these
  • observing and interacting with deaf guests to the classroom who use different signed languages, such as ASL or a traditional signed language used by deaf Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders, identifying differences between the languages and acting as interpreter with support
  • creating basic translations of song lyrics or simple poems from English to Auslan
  • translating and explaining the meaning of words or expressions associated with figurative language use in Auslan, such as train gone, sorry and comparing these to some common English idioms
  • conducting sight translations of plain, high-interest, low-readability English texts such as short news articles that are written for their age group
  • comparing existing translations in Auslan of narratives, such as fairytales or short stories, to their own ideas of how they would translate specific segments of these texts
  • explaining the role of accredited Auslan–English interpreters and that of Deaf interpreters, demonstrating through role-play correct protocols for working with interpreters