  • identifying differences in different types of texts, for example by looking at a monologic recount compared to a dialogic one, and noticing differences such as the use of back-channels or hesitations
  • conducting an analysis of a selected sign text, taking into account audience, purpose and topic to explain language choices made by the signer
  • noticing how signers can compare or contrast ideas by locating things in the same or opposing sides of signing space
  • noticing how signers achieve textual cohesion and coherence through the use of connectives that create links between clauses, for example BUT and G:WELL
  • identifying where signers have established referents in locations in a text and noticing how this helps the audience to recognise who or what the referents are (actor and undergoer)
  • noticing how signers construct cohesive and coherent texts through the use of text connectives such as lexical signs NEXT or G:WELL or NMFs and pausing