- comparing personal experiences and opinions and expressing agreement or disagreement in a respectful manner, for example:AGREE YES or PRO1 AGREEYes, I agree.PRO1 KNOW WHAT MEAN, BUT…I know what you mean, but …DOUBTI’m not sureAGREE-NOTI don’t agree …
- using NMFs and eye gaze to gain, hold or finish a turn when communicating in pairs or groups
- discussing school experiences or events, for example:THEATRE GOOD, LONG-reallyI liked the theatre performance but it was soo long.SCHOOL SWIMMING RACE, GOOD BAD, PRO2 THINK WHAT?What did you think about the swimming carnival?
- using interactional strategies such as paraphrasing, questioning and interpreting non-verbal cues when communicating with their peers or teacher
- participating in online exchanges such as vlogs with deaf Auslan users in other contexts to discuss topics of shared interest, such as peer pressure or family expectations
- exchanging views with their peers to identify values that they hold as important, for example, caring for the environment or providing support resources for the deaf community such as subtitles on TV/movies