- working in teams to plan an event such as a performance for a younger audience or a presentation for school assembly
- negotiating roles, responsibilities and priorities in activities such as cooking or science experiments, making suggestions such as:PRO2 THINK BEST THIS FIRST, FINISH, NEXT THATDo you think we should do this first and when that’s done, that next
- and using conditional language such as:IF FINISH, CAN NEXT++, IF NOT-YET HEADSHAKEIf we finish this we can go on to the others; if we don’t, we can’t.
- organising activities such as excursions, using questions such as:WE2 MEET WHERE?Where are we meeting?TIME MEET?What time should we get there?ARRIVE HOW?How are we getting there?
- using digital technologies to prepare a humorous, dynamic perspective on a controversial proposition, such as ‘Homework should be banned’ to present to teachers or parents
- playing games that involve working competitively within groups to categorise or classify information
- problem-solving in teamwork activities, using language such as:HOW FIX SOLVE?How can we solve this?WHAT DO?What can we do next?
- planning, rehearsing and producing a performance for school assembly or parent open night
- working in a group to plan a visual story to present to a younger group at school or via video
- planning and conducting an interview with a deaf visitor to class, using questions to elicit extra information
- working on collaborative tasks that involve negotiation and shared decision-making about content and design, for example, designing a class garden, creating digital picture books for ‘buddy’ classes, or promoting a school event
- conducting, recording and presenting observations and findings of collaborative science experiments