- helping to manage discussion, for example by asking specific questions to check meaning, making constructive comments to keep conversation moving, reviewing ideas expressed and conveying tentative conclusions
- using strategies that support effective participation in shared learning activities, including signing clearly, pausing for others to respond, asking pertinent questions, rephrasing, repeating and linking their own contributions to those of others
- exploring and clarifying others’ ideas and summarising their own, and reporting back to a larger group
- engaging in conversations and discussions with guest speakers, using active watching behaviours and contributing their own ideas, questions and opinions
- reflecting on their learning experiences, checking on their own and each other’s progress and providing each other with feedback, advice or reminders
- sharing information and providing context for a new participant joining a conversation
- contributing to discussions by clarifying and critiquing ideas and developing and supporting arguments, using statements such as:I FEEL YOU RIGHT TALK OVER …. BECAUSE…I think it’s good you are talking about …., because…
- making connections between ideas, actions and effects, using reflective language such as:FAIL WHY? BECAUSE THAT DS:length WRONG, FAILBecause this happened … then …IF LIE++, HAPPEN TRUE, PEOPLE STILL DOUBT.If you always lie, when you tell the truth, people will still doubt you.