  • working collaboratively to create a filmed episode of a pilot for a new Deaf sitcom, incorporating elements such as conflict, suspense or humour
  • creating and performing imaginary scenarios that reflect experiences in their own lives
  • creating a performance for a class or school talent show, such as a signed song, skit or humorous retelling of an anecdote
  • signing different versions of a familiar short story, changing perspectives according to different characters
  • creating original stories or short plays for younger learners of Auslan, incorporating scene-setting, action/conflict and resolution, and including opportunities for audience participation
  • creating a video record of an imagined formal or informal interview, incorporating elements of humour or tension and building character and mood through the use of NMFs and pauses
  • creating additional dimensions or changing the focus of a fictional experience by varying the use of manner, constructed action, space and aspect
  • participating in a class storytelling competition, conforming to conventions of character perspective and relationship with audience
  • creating amusing reinterpretations or spoofs of traditional fairytales, using exaggerated elements of sign and gesture
  • improvising spontaneous responses to a stimulus such as 'Sixty Seconds to Make the Audience Laugh, Cry …'