  • finding and using phrases that have direct sign-for-word translations between Auslan and English, such as Goodnight, Happy birthday and Happy New Year, and some that do not, such as None of your business!
  • identifying issues associated with translation, such as multiple meanings for words like run, the fact that meaning is not always literal and that sign translations of a word will vary according to the meaning of the concept in context
  • conducting sight translations of simple English texts such as short news articles
  • translating short texts such as children’s fairytales, simple song lyrics or a short poem from English to Auslan
  • translating and explaining the meaning of words or expressions associated with figurative language use in Auslan, such as TRAIN GONE, SORRY and comparing these to English idioms
  • determining the meaning of technical English words used in other curriculum areas, for example, natural disasters or global warming, demonstrating how they would translate or explain them in Auslan
  • translating the school song into Auslan, identifying lexical challenges and finding suitable Auslan equivalents to match the English concept
  • identifying and explaining signs that are not easy to translate into English because of culture-specific meaning and history, for example, signs such as Deaf school