- sharing feelings about important experiences or events, for example:PRO1 EXCITED HOLIDAY SOONI am excited about the holidays.POSS1 FRIEND CHANGE OTHER SCHOOL PRO1 SADI was sad when my friend moved away.
- discussing preferences in relation to school or community activities, using comparatives and superlativesPRO1 LIKE MATH, SCIENCE BUT POSS1 FAVOURITE ARTI like maths and science, but my favourite subject is art.
- comparing routines or activities, using signs for time, sequence and location, such as:WHAT TIME PRO2 GO-TO-BED?What time do you go to bed?EVERY MONDAY POSS1 CLASS LIST-BUOY-1 READING LIST-BUOY2 MATHS LIST-BUOY-3 SWIMMING. POSS2 CLASS G:WELL?Every Monday my class has reading, then maths, then swimming. What about your class?
- telling each other about daily routines or habits showing aspectual marking on verbs to indicate frequency, such as brushing teeth for a long time
- interacting with younger children or with people who are just beginning to learn to sign, adapting language to suit the situation
- describing actions and activities using NMFs to show manner, for example, PRO1 WORK versus PRO1 WORK-hard
- participating in online exchanges such as vlogs to compare daily routines or interests with other deaf children or families
- using persuasive language in social interactions with each other, for example:PLEASE POPCORN GIVE-me++ BEG?Please can I have some of your popcorn?