  • recognising that Auslan has fully-lexical signs that are in the dictionary and have a standard handshape, movement and location, and partly-lexical signs that cannot be listed in a dictionary in all forms as they change their form each time they are signed, such as DSs
  • noticing that fully- and partly-lexical signs can include grammatical information not included in a ‘citation’ form, for example, the sign TELL -me is not listed separately to TELL (towards neutral space) and GO-TO includes GO-TO -often
  • discussing the functions of different pointing signs, such as pronouns, determiners and locatives
  • understanding that some verb forms in Auslan indicate who is involved in a verb by changing the direction of the movement or orientation of the handshape
  • noticing the relationship between the location of referents and the direction of some indicating verbs
  • recognising who is the actor and undergoer of the verb in a clause
  • identifying with support examples of DSs and becoming familiar with the terms entity, handling and SASS DSs
  • comparing English adjectives with SASS DSs
  • knowing that signers can reconstruct/act out their own or another’s talk and/or actions and that this is called CA