- exchanging opinions about topics such as food, sport, lifestyles, health, music or travel
- participating in videoconferencing to compare and contrast aspects of their school experience, for example by communicating online with deaf students from different schools in another state/territory
- discussing the relationship between events in their school or local community and interest groups they identify with by conducting an in-class survey
- describing aspects of their school, community, home or social lives, for example:SCHOOL DS(5CLAW):located-at DS(C):l-shape…The school is located here, and then there’s a large L-shaped building on the right.WEEKEND, I VISIT HEARING FRIEND WE2 WATCH MOVIE OR DS:2-people-walk SHOPS OR SOMETIMES STAY HOME DS:press-consoleOn the weekends, my hearing friend and I like to go to the movies or the shops, but sometimes we just play video games.
- offering opinions about issues under consideration in their class or school community, such as their school policy on social media use
- developing narrative and expressive skills by exchanging accounts of personally significant influences, experiences or milestones, identifying common experiences, such as describing their favourite holiday or their personal hero
- comparing their experience of involvement in the Deaf community, and sharing their views on the importance of this experience in their lives by describing their relationships with deaf people outside of school