  • participating in signing songs and games that involve repeated signs, gestures and NMFs, for example, I went to the market and I bought … Old MacDonald had a farm …
  • participating in activities that involve classifying objects by attributes such as shapes, colours and numbers
  • following directions in activities such as an obstacle course or action game, using directional terms or depicting signs such as
    DS:turn-left DEAD-END DS:turn-right
    Go left, then at the end turn right.
    Please bring the milk; it’s at the bottom of the fridge door.
  • playing games that involve choice, memory or information exchange to reinforce number skills or language patterns
  • collaborating in art or craft activities that involve making decisions about choices or contributions
  • participating in barrier games and other information-gap activities that focus on describing appearance or scenes, such as a game of ‘Guess Who’ on paper with some characters named on paper A and some not named on paper B, and vice versa; taking turns to describe appearance of the characters with no name and having partner fingerspell their names back
  • participating in role-plays that involve scenarios such as ordering a meal, buying food or other items, transacting payment or giving feedback