  • changing elements of favourite stories to create their own versions, with a focus on varying manner or constructed action
  • interacting with imaginary characters using lexical and non-lexical signs and NMFs to express emotions such as excitement, fear or amazement
  • using iconic signs to create their own variations on familiar nursery rhyme actions, such as in ‘Incy Wincy Spider’
  • depicting the movement of people, animals or means of transport by using handshapes in creative ways
  • creating amusing sequences of signs using a fixed handshape, such as YOU THINK PRO1 SHY
  • experimenting with NMFs and handshapes to play games such as ‘Simon Says’, taking turns to be Simon
  • experimenting with facial expressions to match different emotional expressions, such as HAPPY, SCARED, TIRED
  • changing an aspect of a cartoon or picture story, using gestures, handshapes and NMFs to explain differences
  • representing objects using combined bodies and hands in amusing or creative ways
  • exploring the use of constructed action such as eye gaze change, body shift and head orientation when enacting imagined adventures
  • making their own handshape creations
  • assuming the role of a character from a story and responding to signed questions from classmates, such as:
    YOUR NOSE DS:long-nose WHY?
    Why is your nose so long, Pinocchio?