  • gathering information from their peers in relation to their interests and preferences or home and school routines and summarising findings in formats such as tables or graphs
  • observing informative signed texts such as weather reports or simple public announcements about events and celebrations, identifying key points of information to exchange with a partner in a barrier/information-gap game
  • collecting information from signed texts about people, time or activities and using the information in new ways, for example, by creating a timeline, diary or timetable to show a sequence of activities
  • viewing and following procedural signed texts such as cooking demonstrations or craft activities
  • watching/viewing a signed text and identifying specific points of information such as locations, for example, by labelling key locations on a school map
  • viewing and responding appropriately to simple class and school announcements and directions
  • watching short Auslan texts about topics such as hobbies or sports, and recording key points of information using tables or graphic organisers
  • paraphrasing content of selected community texts, such as public service or promotional announcements on the Deaf Emergency Info website