  • presenting a biographical report on a prominent deaf person, using visual prompts such as a slideshow to describe their life and achievements, incorporating some commentary and personal opinion
  • contributing an item of information for a collaborative e-book to describe views on different aspects of Deaf culture, such as community and protocols associated with signing
  • explaining to each other a selected procedure or practice, for example, a recipe, the rules of a sport or board game, or instructions on caring for animals
  • researching, composing and presenting a persuasive speech designed to invite action or support on a selected issue, such as a Deaf political matter
  • using visual props and signed explanation to describe a biological or mechanical process to the class, such as how the ear or a cochlear implant works
  • developing a signed news report or public announcement to inform or alert an imagined audience of a recent or impending natural disaster
  • creating signed announcements to inform members of the school community about events such as a Deaf theatre performance or National Week of Deaf People activities
  • creating digital clips or social media posts designed to persuade, inform or invite response on an issue of relevance to young people of their age
  • providing instructions in an engaging or entertaining style to create interest in a group activity, such as a maths game or signing choir