- working together in collaborative tasks such as cooking or craft activities, using interactional phrases such as:BOOK WHICH WANT MAKE WHICH? PICK.Which recipe do you want to make? You choose.PLEASE PRO2 BRING SCISSORS PLUS PAPER?Can you please bring scissors and paper?
- following directions for activities such as a treasure hunt or creating a garden, using prepositions such as ON, UNDER, BEHIND and entity depicting signs, such as:DS:turn-left DEAD-END DS:turn-right.Go left, then at the end turn right.PLEASE BRING MILK FRIDGE DS:open-door POINTPlease bring the milk; it’s at the bottom of the fridge door.
- negotiating roles and responsibilities in shared learning activities, using expressions such as:PRO3 TYPE PRO1 WRITE PRO2 D-O WHAT?He will type, I’ll write, and what are you doing?
- playing games that involve identifying and classifying specific points of information, for example, ‘Celebrity Heads’
- understanding and using expressions of support, encouragement or praise during shared activities, for example, GOOD, EXCELLENT, CONGRATULATIONS