- responding to classroom instructions such asPLEASE WITH-2++ DS:sit-oppositePlease find a partner and sit opposite each other.DS:line-up PLEASELine up, please.LOOK-AT-meLook to the front.
- attracting attention or asking for help, repetition or clarification, for example:PLEASE HELP-me?Can you help me, please?PLEASE AGAIN SIGNPlease sign that again.PLEASE EXPLAIN-to self AGAINPlease explain that again.WHAT MEAN?What do you mean?PRO2 MEAN…?Do you mean …?
- negotiating turn-taking, for example:PRO1 FIRST YOUR-TURNIt’s my turn first, then your turn.
- using back-channels, for example, head nodding to indicate understanding, or raised eyebrows or head shaking to indicate lack of understanding
- gaining the attention of a group or an individual, for example by flashing classroom lights, waving or multiple tapping or tapping or pointing to alert third parties
- maintaining eye contact when communicating