  • reflecting on similarities and differences between ways of communicating in Auslan and in their first language in different social situations, for example, when greeting/leave-taking; introducing people; and using body language, facial expression and eye contact
  • comparing their own and each other’s reflections on the experience of learning and communicating in Auslan, and considering whether their attitudes or understandings have changed through this experience
  • reflecting on similarities and differences in communication that reflect culture, such as visual ways of being among deaf people and ways of sharing storytelling or jokes
  • reflecting on the need for sustained eye contact when using Auslan in order to understand a message and before teacher instructions can proceed
  • reflecting on differences in forms of address in signed and spoken languages, for example, not using a person’s name when signing directly to them, unlike the common use of names in Australian English/other languages
  • identifying assumptions that they bring to the experience of learning Auslan and considering how these may change through the learning experience