- explaining or justifying positions in discussion or debate, for example, by using space and NMFs to contrast views
- elaborating on opinions in relation to social, community or educational matters, for example, exchanging views on a newspaper article about eugenics and deaf people
- using researched information to contribute to formal group interactions, for example, panel discussions on issues such as the roles and responsibilities of interpreters
- creating hypothetical situations to contextualise a discussion or debate, for example:PRETEND PRO2 DEAF….Pretend that you’re deaf …I-F PRO2 BOSS WILL CHANGE WHAT?What would you change if you were boss?
- communicating via video calls or social media platforms using Auslan in different online contexts to build relationships and share views
- using strategies to initiate and support discussion, for example by providing the context of a conversation to a new participant:PRO3 SAY…She was saying that …
- demonstrating awareness of social sensitivities or conventions, for example by using euphemistic signs or allusions, such as TOILET, BIRTH
- using complex sentence structures to discuss current affairs or to justify a position in relation to issues of interest to their group, for example, gender equity, conservation or social media