- responding to teacher prompts in Auslan or English to capture their impressions when viewing images, video clips or stories in Auslan, for example:PRO2 LOOK VIDEO. LOOK WHAT?You saw the video. What did you notice?HAVE SAME? HAVE DIFFERENT? WHAT?What’s the same? What’s different?
- comparing aspects of their own lives with those of deaf children represented in digital images, video clips and stories, for example, ways of playing games, telling stories or interacting at school, home and in the community
- describing how it feels to use Auslan to communicate or to watch Auslan being used by others, for example by responding to questions such as What are the main differences you notice when observing conversations between hearing people and between deaf people?
- discussing changes or adaptations they make to their communicative style when using Auslan, for example waiting until they have a deaf person’s visual attention before signing to them, maintaining eye contact when the other person is signing to them