- exchanging greetings with peers and familiar adults, choosing the appropriate greeting to suit age or position (for example, 您好,老师好) or time of day, for example, 你早,晚安
- responding to invitations to participate in personal celebrations, including accepting and declining in appropriate ways, for example, 谢谢你的邀请,祝你生日快乐。但是我星期日要…对不起,不能参加你的聚会。希望你玩得高兴
- sharing personal ideas and opinions on experiences such as home life and routine, school and education, diet and food, travel and leisure, climate and weather, expressing opinions and preferences, and stating reasons to elaborate the message, for example, 我不太喜欢…、我觉得…因为
- exchanging information and opinions in class dialogue, responding to questions (for example, 你喜欢运动吗?), expressing agreement or disagreement with others’ opinions (for example, 对,我也很喜欢运动。) and ensuring that other participants are included in interaction, for example, 我去过法国,你呢?
- comparing own experiences to the lives of young people in other Chinese-speaking communities, for example, 我觉得 7:30上学太早。 我不坐地铁上学,我坐公共汽车上学
- using set phrases to greet, thank, apologise, and ask permission from peers and teacher, for example, 我可以上厕所吗?;谢谢;对不起
- following teacher’s instructions such as 站起来 or 我们看书 and restating teacher’s instructions to peers when needed (for example, 老师说我们...再…); responding to teacher’s questions with actions or answers, for example, 懂了吗?
- responding to teacher’s praise (for example, 非常好, 太棒了) or suggestions, for example, 明天做,今天休息
- participating in a shared blog and exchanging personal information such as name, age, school, year level and nationality with readers from a sister school, for example, 你好,我叫Ann, 我是澳大利亚的学生
- responding to correspondence, such as letters from pen pals, including by answering questions, clarifying meaning (for example, 你说你想来澳大利亚, 是吗?), seeking further information (for example, 你想一月来吗?) and addressing requests, for example, 澳大利亚一月是夏天,很热
- maintaining contact with classmates and recording events in everyday life by keeping a weekly or daily online journal or blog, recording highlights of school or home life and leisure activity (for example, 今天我的足球队又输了,真没劲! ) or a holiday experience, for example, 袋鼠岛游记
- composing messages in an appropriate format for text messages, emails and letters, and using appropriate terms of address, for example, 敬爱的王老师 (for a formal letter) or 嘿,小王,最近好吗 (for a casual letter or message)