  • responding to literary texts such as 《某某后传》 through own creative text production, employing the literary styles and methods identified in such texts
  • keeping a journal to reflect on emotions and experiences of individuals encountered in texts
  • identifying and comparing the language used to explore major themes such as love, success and beauty in youth media across different languages and cultures
  • participating in class discussion on messages conveyed in traditional and contemporary texts and comparing how concepts of humour, happiness and tragedy are conveyed in music, art and drama across languages and cultures
  • understanding the values inherent in the use of music, imagery and stereotypical representations of people, places and practices in diverse forms of youth entertainment
  • identifying and discussing generational and cultural differences portrayed in contemporary media
  • examining songs that have remained popular for generations or have become anthems for particular groups of people, and discussing why these songs have achieved such success
  • reading a range of imaginative texts from other cultures, keeping a reading journal (读书笔记) to record own responses, and participating in class discussions about texts such as 《小王子》 and 《安徒生童话选》