  • collaborating with others to organise a community event, taking initiative in negotiating roles
  • participating in projects to benefit other learners and speakers of Chinese, for example, developing readers or multimedia learning tools for young Chinese children in the community; establishing a peer mentoring program to support learners of Chinese in local primary schools
  • making purchasing decisions by comparing prices of items from a range of suppliers, as well as features such as country of origin, quality, reliability, warranty and safety
  • requesting financial advice as part of responsible decision making when purchasing goods and services, for example, 我们可以花多少钱?这个一下就占了一大半,还是买便宜一些的那个吧
  • creating posters to promote activities among young people in Chinese communities within and beyond the school, for example, a language and culture club, sporting team
  • using social media to access a wider audience and promote intercultural understanding and awareness of the lifestyles and achievements of young Chinese Australians
  • promoting healthy living among Chinese peers by creating posters educating youth on the benefits of healthy eating and exercise, as well as the importance of success at school