- corresponding with others via social networking sites, exchanging personal information and requesting information, for example, 你是哪国人?你喜欢学习汉语吗?
- sharing information about life in diverse environments, expressing ideas with elaborated details to enhance meaning and engage readers, for example, 今天太冷了,只有零下五度,还下雪,只能在家呆着
- sharing opinions about school or family life, including 我的学校,我的老师,我的好朋友, 我的一家人, and linking ideas to explain and support a particular position or view, for example, 我的姐姐不但喜欢音乐,而且也很喜欢体育, 我除了踢足球以外,还打板球。我觉得运动很有意思
- reading promotional material on topics such as healthy eating, and creating similar texts in Chinese to convey the meaning to Chinese readers, for example, 每天吃五份蔬菜,两份水果
- identifying unacceptable behaviours at school and devising a set of posters or signs in Chinese to remind people of school expectations, for example, 爱护花草,请安静, 可回收物/不可回收物,关闭手机