- exploring the use of classical language such as 成语 and how this refines the style of writing when comparing 口语 and 书面语, for example, 她很漂亮 and 她貌美如花
- reading texts consisting of 名人名言 (for example, 孔子说…), and discussing the cultural meaning of the quote and how it is relevant to contemporary language use, including why it is still quoted widely in modern writing, for example, 三人行必有吾师
- exploring the nature of common idioms (成语), identifying their meanings and recognising how they can be used to add a sense of style to everyday communication, for example, 年年有余、人山人海
- examining how globalisation is impacting on Chinese values and language use, for example, how responses to praise are shifting to reflect a western concept of gratitude (谢谢) rather than the modesty of the past (哪里哪里)
- exploring the ways in which English words and phrases are incorporated into everyday communication in Chinese in digital media, for example, English expressions of emotion used in chat forums and text messaging (去 happy 吧), and Pinyin abbreviations replacing characters ( L P = 老婆)
- investigating the use of internet language, including numerical representations of words (55555 = 呜呜他在哭) as a means of private communication among youth
- examining how the adaptation of words reflects and encourages change, for example, gender equality is reflected in the use of 妳 to acknowledge females and 他 to include both men and women