- participating in conversations about personal experiences, expressing opinions about what is common to these experiences, for example, 我们的老师教我们很多东西。我们都很喜欢他
- comparing feelings about music, TV programs or sports, and asking questions to seek ideas, request repetition, clarify meaning (for example, 你喜欢看电视,不是吗?) and enhance mutual understanding, for example, A: 我不太喜欢听流行音乐,我更喜欢摇滚乐,因为摇滚乐很有意思。B: 古典音乐怎么样?古典音乐也不错
- negotiating with peers in relation to school policies and procedures, by affirming, accepting, clarifying, suggesting and recommending, for example, 小明,明天去动物园要穿校服吗?
- visiting Chinese-owned stores in the local area and specifying number or nature of items required; requesting, negotiating and accepting prices; and completing transactions, for example, 我们什么时候去…?, 我们去哪儿买?, 我们要买什么?
- participating in class role-plays of shopping scenarios, including expressing opinions about quality of goods (for example, 这条红色的裤子真好看), making comparisons with the same product or service from other retailers or service providers (for example, 他要一百块,你要一百三十块), and expressing satisfaction or dissatisfaction with price, for example, 太贵了
- negotiating with classmates to determine an appropriate gift for an overseas visitor, acknowledging ideas and opinions of others and expressing agreement (for example, 好的) or disagreement, and offering alternatives, for example, 我觉得巧克力不好,考拉拼图怎么样?