  • documenting specific details of events, customs and lifestyles presented in multimodal sources such as video clips and face-to-face interviews in order to summarise the information, for example, 中国人很喜欢喝茶, 澳大利亚人喜欢喝咖啡
  • listening to and viewing celebrity interviews, news reports and documentaries to identify key information such as names of people and places, time and date, attitude and opinions, for example, 秦始皇,西安,北京, 星期三,…很可怕,我很喜欢她,她是一个很棒的演员
  • listening to and viewing factual spoken texts and paying attention to voice, gesture and language choice to identify the strength of opinion or degree of emotion expressed, for example, recognising strong dislike expressed in 我一点儿也不喜欢 compared to 我不喜欢
  • interviewing teachers or other familiar adults about their experiences (for example, 他小时候每天都骑自行车) and presenting this information to the class, quoting the source of information [有人说;她告诉我;根据这个节目介绍