  • comparing Chinese and western cultural symbols, for example, the symbol of the dragon, 龙 across western and Chinese cultures
  • sharing information about their own membership of diverse groups and exploring how this is expressed in Chinese, for example, 每年春节小明的妈妈都会包饺子。安娜的妈妈每年圣诞节都烤火鸡
  • exploring the role of language in the formation and expression of identity, for example: Why does my classmate go to Chinese school on Saturday? Why do I speak Chinese to my teacher but feel strange speaking it to my classmates?
  • analysing expressions of identity encountered in Chinese texts and interactions, and comparing these with their own assumptions about Chinese people and with their own expressions of identity, for example, 龙的传人 (descendant of dragon)
  • identifying the differences of meaning of multiple terms use to convey a similar concept, for example, comparing representations of foreigners in 外国人有一些不同的习俗 to 老外都很奇怪
  • reflecting on their own cultural values and norms, comparing them to those of Chinese speakers, and asking, for example: Which of my own values are non-negotiable, and which Chinese values do I feel I should validate and support?