- estimating the probable sound and meaning of characters based on understanding of familiar radicals and phonetic sides when reading unfamiliar texts, for example, 鸡 鸭 鹅 莺; 但 担 旦 胆
- analysing characters containing a common component or side, for example, explaining the features of position, phonetic function and range of sounds in the characters 请 清 情 晴 精 睛 猜
- describing characters to classmates by naming their components or sides in sequence, for example, 亻 (‘standing man’) on the left, 言 (‘words’) on the right = 信
- exploring the use of diverse character-morphemes to express similar ideas (for example, identifying multiple characters for ‘food’ — 饭、菜、食、餐), and organising and classifying words containing these characters to understand their context of use, for example, 早饭、中国菜、食物、餐厅
- recognising the two-syllable preference in Chinese nouns, and applying this understanding when reading for meaning in words with suffixes such as 学校、学生、学习
- exploring the nature of common idioms (成语) and inferring their meanings based on the meanings of individual morphemes and contexts of use, for example, 年年有余、人山人海