  • viewing episodes of popular TV programs, such as sitcoms from mainland China, Taiwan and other regions, sharing opinions on characters and plot (for example, 我不懂他们为什么吵架。他真的很烦人,我特别不喜欢他), and relating the situations and contexts in the TV program to similar events in their own life, for example, 如果我是她…; 我觉得他最好…
  • listening to popular Chinese songs, comparing themes and content to those of songs popular in Australia, and discussing how popular culture reflects social issues, for example, 家庭的关系(family relationships)
  • creating own dramatic performances to entertain others, with a focus on accuracy of tone and rhythm appropriate to choices in language and gestures
  • creating plays with plots that reflect personal opinions on topics of interest (for example, 旅行,未来), using props to support storytelling, and experimenting with language, image and sound to convey complex ideas and enhance audience appreciation
  • presenting own version of a familiar story or event, for example, collaborating to create a voiceover for a segment from a familiar TV show or commentating a youth sporting event
  • reading narratives (for example, personal histories and extracts from teenage fiction) and writing a journal to share personal reflections on the ways of life and experiences portrayed and expressed, providing reasons for their opinions, for example, 这个故事非常…比如说…你一定要看这本书!