  • interacting with different types of verse, drama and song lyrics, discussing how imagery, rhythm and rhyme are used to create mood and effect, and experimenting with expressive language to create their own texts
  • comparing their life experiences with those of characters in traditional folktales such as एकता में बल है, identifying elements of universal human experience such as loss, love or loyalty
  • comparing story lines and characterisation in popular Hindi- and English-language TV series, identifying themes or issues that seem to be differently responded to in one cultural context than in the other
  • identifying how cultural traditions and beliefs are communicated through visual and performing arts, and comparing different living traditions present in Australia, including artistic expression associated with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  • comparing style, creative effects and cultural traditions reflected in popular forms of Hindi and Australian entertainment, for example, The Voice India or India’s Got Talent and Australian versions of the shows, Bollywood movies and English-language musicals, TV programs such as अशोक सम्राट and Australian programs popular with a similar age-group
  • discussing characters from favourite stories, comics or cartoons, such as चाचा चौधरी; बहादुर नागराज, identifying elements of their personalities that they most admire, enjoy or identify with
  • considering how humour is expressed and shared in culturally specific ways and whether it ‘travels’ successfully across languages, for example, by comparing favourite jokes, cartoons or amusing stories in Hindi with humorous texts in English
  • analysing the structure of traditional or contemporary Hindi poetry, for example, by identifying the use of rhythm, rhyme and repetition, or comparing examples of lyrical or poetic expression, बुन्देले हरबोलों के मुख हमने सुनी कहानी थी खूब लड़ी मर्दानी वो तो झांसी वाली रानी थी