  • identifying differences between how they communicate in Hindi and in English, including the use of gestures and other forms of non-verbal communication such as hand or head movements, the use of space or silence
  • comparing examples of interactions which feel more natural in Hindi than they do in English or vice versa, noticing the contexts of those interactions, the people they are communicating with and the kinds of topics being discussed
  • identifying instances when using both Hindi and English in the same interaction makes for easier communication, for example, when using English technical terms such as लाइट जला दो
  • identifying behaviours that may be similar or dissimilar when communicating in Hindi and in English, for example, when using direct or indirect questions, interruptions, silence, turn-taking
  • monitoring their use of Hindi and English in different areas of their lives, for example, by keeping a record of what they use each language for over a particular day
  • reflecting on the nature of culture and its relationship with language with reference to Hindi, English and other languages they know, for example, by identifying words, phrases or behaviours that carry cultural information or reflect cultural values