- recognising characteristic features of different text genres, such as headings, footnotes and reference lists in textbooks, rhetorical questions and persuasive language in advertisements, abbreviations and emoticons in emails and text messages, an opening orientation statement at the beginning of a narrative, such as जब वे केवल चौदह वर्ष के थे, उनकी पिता की मृत्यु हो गयी ।
- comparing Hindi- and English-language versions of text types such as phone conversations, business letters or sports reports, considering whether differences in style or structure reflect differences in cultural values or practices
- recognising rules of structure and composition in Hindi poetry, for example, by identifying patterns of rhythm, rhyme, repetition and meter in poems by सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान or जयशंकर प्रसाद
- developing metalanguage to talk about texts, for example, by identifying the purpose, features and typical structure of text genres, for example, निबन्ध में तीन भाग होते हैं- भूमिका, विषय-वस्तु और उपसंहार
- recognising differences between the layout and language features of different types of texts and formats, such as चित्र-कथाएँ और लोक-कथाएँ
- recognising the role played by different textual elements, for example, the layout, title, illustration and use of punctuation in a picture book or the use of repetition and rhyme in poems and chants
- comparing the use of imagery or satire in a range of imaginative texts, discussing how these elements convey meaning and engage/entertain the audience