- understanding that there is a standard form of Hindi, मानक हिंदी used in writing and spoken by many people, and also a range of spoken dialects that differ from region to region, for example, ब्रज भाषा, अवधी
- creating a map that identifies regions of India, Fiji, Mauritius and other parts of the world which have communities of Hindi-speakers and of related languages/dialects represented in the classroom, such as तमिल, गुजराती, पंजाबी, मराठी
- examining how language users vary modes of expression to reflect different feelings, relationships, intentions or attitudes, for example, by comparing the respectful tone of devotional texts such as भजन, दोहे, the exuberance, humour and colour of Bollywood scripts and the directive tone of rules and regulations in school rules or official documents
- comparing the style, structure and register of informal and formal texts such as invitations or the expression of wishes, noticing elements such as vocabulary used, economy/elaboration of expression, and grammatical style (मोहन और गीता की सगाई के शुभ अवसर पर आपकी परिवार सहित उपस्थिति प्रार्थनीय है। क्या तुम... के दिन.. समय मुझे मिल सकते हो?)
- comparing the informal use of greetings and wishes between friends and family members with those used in more formal situations, for example, अरे राहुल! प्यारे माता पिता, ढेर सारा प्यार