  • identifying different perspectives on selected issues presented in different media outlets, such as news sites or specialty magazines such as प्रदूषण, जनसँख्या, भेदभाव, and using the material as stimulus for in-class or online debates or opinion pieces
  • listening to interviews with celebrities from fields such as sport, the arts, entertainment or politics, identifying and classifying words, expressions or cultural references that convey information about culture or context
  • presenting information collected from print and digital sources on a topic such as regional food specialities, for example, by creating a glossary of terms by categories, for example, herbs and spicesमसाले, हल्दी, धनिया, फल, सब्जियाँ, सूखे
  • evaluating information retrieved from online discussion forums and social media outlets on issues relevant to their peer group, for example, family relationships, youth identity or generational change, selecting and editing content to include in a summary statement or report
  • analysing coverage of issues relating to Hindi-speaking communities from a range of news media, classifying and recording in a shared data base the most commonly addressed issues or perspectives
  • researching aspects of a selected activity or business operating in their community, for example, restaurants, boutiques, youth centres, presenting their findings in the form of digital displays or posters for a community information evening