- discussing differences they are conscious of when interacting in Hindi or English, for example, when expressing feelings such as anger or sadness or when talking about personal issues
- reflecting on the importance of non-verbal elements of communication, such as hand gestures, head movements and facial expressions, and on how these are sometimes used to mean different things in different languages
- identifying elements of successful interaction when communicating with speakers of different languages, for example, being responsive and flexible, picking up on cues that indicate misunderstanding, respecting different perspectives and traditions
- identifying differences in the interpretation of conversational strategies such as the use of pauses or silence when speaking in Hindi as compared to English, for example, to signal disapproval, respect for an elder, waiting for consensus, reflection or waiting for the end of a turn
- reporting on moments of intercultural miscommunication, discussing possible reasons why they happened, repair and recovery strategies and what they learnt from these experiences
- reflecting on language choices they make when interacting with friends who also speak both Hindi and English, identifying instances when they move between languages for practical or cultural reasons